
Privacy Policy

Last modified on September 22, 2020

SL Imports, LLC “Company,” “us,” “we,” or “SL Imports”) provides the website and related web, mobile and other software programs and applications (collectively, the “Site”) and takes your privacy and security seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, share and protect personal data (“Personal Information”) we receive from users.

We collect Personal Information from users when they view, access, use or register through the Site or use any related services offered therein (collectively, “Services”). The provision of certain information is contractually required based on your use of the Services.

This Privacy Policy applies to persons and businesses anywhere in the world that may access the Site. By using the Site or our Services, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy in full. If you do not wish to provide Personal Information or be bound by this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Site or the Services.

The Company reserves the right to modify, change, or replace this Privacy Policy at any time by updating this document. You agree to be bound by the most recent version of the Privacy Policy available on the Site. The date of the last modification will be displayed near the top of the Privacy Policy.

    1. Our legal basis for collecting and processing your Personal Information is (i) your explicit consent when accessing the Services and (ii) a legitimate interest and need in order to provide specific Services offered on the Site, as described in our Terms of Service. We may collect the following Personal Information from users:
      1. Information You Provide Voluntarily. We regularly receive and store any information you enter on the Site or give us in any other way, whether it be through filling out a form, or through an actual communication. You may elect to not provide certain information, but such an election may prevent you from taking advantage of, and accessing many of our features. We use the information that you provide for purposes such as: responding to your communications and/or requests, customizing future experiences on the Site for you, improving our Site, and communicating with you in any other way. The types of personally identifiable information which may be collected through your use of the Site include, but are not limited to: your name, physical address, any email address, phone numbers, fax numbers, billing address, shipping address, product selections or views, order and/or confirmation numbers, financial account information, debit card numbers and expiration dates, credit card numbers and expiration dates, credit card account information, referring URLs, IP addresses, passwords, usernames, gender, occupation, personal interests, your age and information about your hobbies, likes, interests in and regular use of certain products, programs and other services you use or may be interested in. You voluntarily provide the above personally identifiable information to us when you enter such information on the Site, whether input with the intention of facilitating a purchase, payment, newsletter subscription, promotion or contest and/or any other special offers or benefits. You are the source of this information.
      2. Information Provided Automatically. Upon your use or interaction with the Site, we automatically receive and store certain types of information. We obtain certain types of information when the browser you are using accesses the Site or advertisements therein, and other content served on the Site itself, or on behalf of the Site through other web sites.
        • Non-Personal Information: We collect non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available upon their interaction with Sites. This information may include such things as the browser type used during the interaction, the language preference, the referring website, and the date and time of each visitor request.
        • Your IP Address: Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is a unique identifying code which is used in connecting your computer to the Internet. Your IP Address may be used for various purposes, including to: (i) help us identify you, and your purchase orders, and to gather general and broad demographic information; (ii) help us diagnose or service technology problems that are associated with the IP addresses controlled by a specific Web company or ISP; (iii) help us estimate the total number of users visiting the Site located in certain geographic locations; and (iv) help us determine which users have access privileges or restrictions to certain content available on the Site.
        • Device Identifier: We may provide services that allow users to visit, view, access and customize the Site and other content through the use of their mobile devices such as: phones, PDAs and other similar electronic devices. When the Site is accessed through these devices rather than a computer, different information may be collected. When you visit or connect with the Site through the use of a mobile device that has Internet accessibility, in the event that the mobile device service provider uniquely identifies the device, we will be able to receive this identifying information. We may use this unique device information to be able to offer extended services and/or functionality. Certain services, offers you elect to enroll in, or purchases you wish to make through the Site may require the collection of the phone number for your device. We may associate and categorize the phone number collected along with the mobile device information.
        • Your Physical Location: Some mobile phone service providers in the United States are required to operate using a certain functionality which pinpoints the physical location of any mobile devices currently using their service. Depending upon which service provider your device is enrolled with, and if you are visiting the Site while you are located in the United States, we may automatically receive this information. We may use and store such information received in order to assist us in providing opportunities for services based on your location, as well as to assist with advertising which is targeted based on location.
        • Web Cookies: For advertising and other purposes as described below, we use a feature in your Internet Web browser called a “cookie,” which is a piece of information stored on your hard drive, that identifies your intra- and inter-requests on the Site. Cookies may be used for various purposes, including the tracking of your preferences which you indicate while visiting or using the Site. If you wish to disable the use of cookies, please review the Help section of your Internet browser, and review the instructions therein on how to turn off this feature. You can also indicate your choices regarding display advertising, through the use of specific platforms, which include but may not be limited to the Digital Advertising Alliance opt-out platform or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out platform. To opt-out of these cookies, please visit the following URLs:
          •; or
        • Beacons: Web pages included on the Site may contain e-images called a “Web beacon,” also known as a “single-pixel GIF,” which allow a Site to count the number of users who have visited that particular page or to access specific cookies and the information contained therein. We may use such Web beacons for the following purposes: (a) to count and determine the number of users and to recognize such users through the accessing of Site cookies, (b) to count, determine, and recognize the number of users who have opened or read emails sent to the user by us, and (c) to assist in personalizing your interaction with the Site to make the experience more efficient and enjoyable for you.
  3. In some instances, we may disclose certain information about you to third-parties whose practices are not governed or covered by this Privacy Policy. Due to the current and existing regulations, we are unable to specifically ensure that any or all of your personal information and private communications will not ever be disclosed in ways not covered or defined within the terms herein. One example of such activity may include the ability of third-parties to unlawfully intercept, access, or capture certain transmissions of information or private communications. If you wish for us to not disclose any personal information collected about you in any of the ways identified and described within this Privacy Policy, you should refrain from visiting or accessing the Site or any related services.
    1. You may encounter links to third party websites, videos, pictures, and applications (“Third-Party Links”) when using the Services. We cannot control the content on these Third-Party Links and we can make no guarantees as to the protection and privacy of any information which you submit to these Third-Party Links. Please exercise caution when accessing Third-Party Links.
  6. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from any child under the age of 13. Further, you may not use the Site unless you are at least 18 years of age, or are doing so with the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. You acknowledge and consent to taking such steps as are necessary in order to verify your identity and your age for the purposes of complying with applicable law, in order to use the Site. If you believe we have collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 13, please contact us immediately.
  8. We use commercially reasonable methods of protecting your Personal Information. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the safety or security of any Personal Information. Further, transmission of Personal Information cannot be made completely secure. For that reason, you agree to transmit Personal Information to the Company solely at your own risk.
    1. SL Imports does not currently respond to “do not track” browser headers or specific “do not track” requests. You do have the ability to limit tracking through these third-party programs and by taking the actions listed below. The use of online tracking mechanisms by third-parties is governed by those third-parties’ own privacy policies, and not the terms included hereunder. If you prefer to prevent third-parties from setting and accessing cookies on your computer, you may adjust the settings of your own web browser to block the placement of cookies. You may remove yourself from the targeted advertising of companies by contacting the Network Advertising Initiative, or of companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance program by contacting them directly.
    1. Supplemental Privacy Notice to California Residents:
      1. If you are a resident of California, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by SL Imports or its subsidiaries to a third-party for the third-party’s direct marketing purposes. This right is granted to California residents and applies only to their activities within the State of California. To make such a request, please send an email to: or write us at:
        • SL Imports, LLCKittensUp4saleKittensUp4Sale.comATTN: CA Privacy Rights:
      2. In your request, please specify the SL Imports company or subsidiary to which your request pertains. If no company is specified, we will treat your request as pertaining to SL Imports, LLC.
    1. The Company is primarily operated and managed on servers located and operated within the United States. In order to provide our Services to you, we may send and store your Personal Information outside of the country where you reside or are located, including to the United States. Accordingly, if you reside or are located outside of the United States, your Personal Information may be transferred outside of the country where you reside or are located, including countries that may not or do not provide the same level of protection for your Personal Information. We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information when it is transferred. If you reside or are located within the European Economic Area and such transfers occur, we take appropriate steps to provide the same level of protection for the processing carried out in any such countries as you would have within the European Economic Area to the extent feasible under applicable law. By using and accessing our Services, users who reside or are located in countries outside of the United States agree and consent to the transfer to and processing of Personal Information on servers located outside of the country where they reside, and that the protection of such information may be different than required under the laws of their residence or location.
    1. Personal Information that we process shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the relevant purpose. We will retain your Personal Information as follows:
      1. Personal Information will be retained for as long as you have a SL Imports member account (as described in our Terms of Service) or as required by law or our own backup and security policies.
      2. We will comply with any user’s requests regarding access, correction, and/or deletion of the Personal Information we store in accordance with applicable law, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To request that we correct, delete, or export any Personal Information, please contact us via email at
    1. The Company is based in the United States and your Personal Information will be processed in the United States. The hosting facilities for your Personal Information are in the United States. United States laws may be less strict than those of your own country.
    1. Your principal rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are as follows:
      1. Right of Access: you have the right to be informed of, and request access to, the Personal Information we process about you.
      2. Right to Rectification: you have the right to request that we amend or update your personal data where it is inaccurate or incomplete.
      3. Right to Erasure: you have the right to have the Company delete your Personal Information.
      4. Right to Restrict: you have the right to request that we temporarily or permanently stop processing your Personal Information.
      5. Right to Object: you have the right to object to us processing your Personal Information on grounds relating to your particular situation or for direct marketing purposes.
      6. Right to Data Portability: you have the right to request a copy of your Personal Information in electronic format and the right to transmit that personal data for use in another party’s service.
      7. Right not to be Subject to Automated Decision Making: you have the right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automated decision making, including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similarly significant effect.
    1. The Personal Information we collect and process is controlled by SL Imports, LLC, a Florida limited liability company located in the United States. You may contact us at or by email at: